There are many wonderful companions for your goldfish to consider. The following are fish species that can live with goldfish.
White Cloud Mountain Minnow
First, we will take a look at the white cloud mountain minnow. These creatures are very peaceful and inexpensive over time, so they are the perfect companion for your goldfish. They are cold-water fish that don’t need to compete for food. There will be no aggression when you integrate this species into your fish tank. An interesting fact about these fish is that they actually prefer to eat the leftovers after feeding your goldfish. This ensures that your fish won’t lack in food through competition at each individual feeding. Cloud mountain minnows add a beautiful vibrancy to your tank and they get along with goldfish very well. They are a safe addition to consider and are among the most commonly chosen by owners. You will notice a more shimmering silver along with the gold which compliments nicely overall!
Other types of Goldfish
This can be a hit or miss depending on which goldfish breed you decide to put in the tank and you should be very conscientious about your decision. Consider their traits when pairing different species and listen to other owners about what has worked best. There is definitely an element of risk here if you’re misinformed but doing the right research without rushing into it is a wise idea. There are certain combinations you want to avoid when selecting of types of goldfish to live with your current one. For instance, slimmer species of goldfish should never be paired with slower and larger ones because they will simply not be able to effectively compete for food.
Dojo Loach
These are some fascinating fish that will make a fine addition to any goldfish tank since they are constantly scavenging the bottom of the tank for any food that was left over from the feeding. However, careful measures should be taken to ensure that there is an advanced filtration system and enough tank space for them to grow. They are longer than goldfish and need more space to thrive. If you purchase the Dojo Loach for your aquarium, then expect your maintenance routine to be more vigorous. There is a lot of bio load that needs to be filtered and cleaned for a symbiotic environment.
Rosy Barbs
These fish might be slightly mistaken for a Goldfish with the exception of their torpedo shape. These are school fish that are very friendly and tend to leave the Goldfish alone when all needs are met. They have no reason to compete for food and can handle their own during feeding time. Not to mention, they have a gorgeous shine that will help to bring your tank to life. They are adequate companions for your goldfish with aesthetic qualities that blend well. 5 rosy barbs is a good number to have because these are schooling fish. More information about viable goldfish partners will give you a much broader understanding.
Zebra Danios
These are some amazing fish that have no problem enduring the temperature range of a goldfish tank. This will add an interesting element to your aquarium because the Zebra Danios is a species that can outswim the goldfish. It should be noted that an adult goldfish would have no problem eating a Zebra Danios. However, it rarely happens because they are already fed, and the Zebra Danios can outswim them with great ease. One of the best things you can do for these species to help them thrive with your goldfish is to install some plants or structures for good hiding places if they need it.